The Gift
of Margin



Creating space instead of stress.



Many people feel like they are operating at or above their capacity.

They feel a deficit of time, energy, health,
money, sleep, ideas, focus, patience…

All. The. Things.

In other words, they have no MARGIN.

What do I mean by margin?

To put it simply, it’s the space between the load you are carrying and your capacity.

Margin is an essential ingredient in a purposeful life.

With a little margin in your life you can:

– practice self-compassion.
– have time to plan and dream bigger.
– get more done that actually matters.
– check in with yourself before you act.
– have boundaries that help you feel secure and grounded.
– have space for new ideas to grow and blossom.
– feel happier and more grateful.
– feel present and capable.

When you find margin, it feels like a gift.

Life is really simple,
but we insist on making it complicated.

- Confucius

What is it?

In this guided digital workbook, you’ll explore a short lifestyle snapshot in 8 areas of your life to help you understand how margin (or lack of margin) may be impacting you:

Health & Energy
Personal Development
Fun & Hobbies
Structure & Time

It’s designed to help you get clear on how to build margin in your life so you can feel more flexibility, ease, happiness, and most of all, decreased stress.

All you can do is create space for transformation to happen,
for love and grace to enter.

- Eckhart Tolle

Ready to make more margin in your life?

Go through this process on your own time, anywhere!
I’ll guide you along in the workbook.


Peace is always right here.
We just have to create space for it.

- Carol Tuttle

Ready to trust your compass?