I’m honored to have written the final chapter of:

Point Taken

Brilliant Business Advice From Women at the Top

By Sulit Press

Point Taken isn’t just a collection of anecdotes; it’s a roadmap for professional metamorphosis.

Be immersed in narratives of hard-earned lessons and game-changing approaches from a diverse group of women leaders.

Because the path to success is often paved with bold moves, unexpected turns, and the courage to venture beyond your comfort zone.

My chapter chronicles some hard moments in my life, and how those experiences inspire and guide me in my coaching.

I’m so excited to share this book with you….and the world!

In a culture that tells women it is unwise and unsafe to rest, Point Taken responds with intimate accounts of women who have been there and have the receipts.

Challenging the pervasive and toxic messages about “how to be effective at work” is a theme running through these successful women’s intensely personal, inspiring, and vulnerable stories.

The final chapter, The Gift of Margin, brings together the collection in a heart-forward reflection on how to break the cycle and thrive.

- Amie Paxton

Entrepreneur & Consultant

The last chapter of the book, written by Jenny Remington, resonated with me in a way that I cannot stop thinking about…

She introduced me to the word ‘margin’ in the context of personal healing and self care…It was like a light bulb went off in my head! Giving myself intentional margin, or empty time and space, to tend to what I need (self care, compassion, setting boundaries, rest) and how this must happen BEFORE I can tend to anyone else both at home and professionally.

I will remember Jenny’s lessons and inspiring words in the front of my mind as I begin to make margin in my life a daily practice. Thank you Jenny for sharing your experiences, and being such a healing force that helps so many other people.

-Amy Tucker

Author or Life with Baby and Founder of Mama Peace

A must-read for those seeking inspiration from those who have truly made it to the top.

Point Taken: Brilliant Business Advice From Women at the Top is filled with powerful, insightful advice, distilled from the experiences of women who’ve boldly navigated the complexities of success and balance. Each contributor offers actionable wisdom that will resonate deeply with anyone looking to thrive in business and life.

- Jille Bartolome, MCC

Reading this book was like sitting around with my best girlfriends and getting the reality check that good friends always provide.

It was a reminder of all that I’ve overcome, and the kick in the rear I needed to right the ship. Make time to read this. Success isn’t just about a boardroom; it’s about finding the space to breathe again.

- Stephanie Walterscheid

As a bonus, all the proceeds from the book sales are donated to Central Texas Table of Grace.

Central Texas Table of Grace is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that provides emergency shelter services to the foster children and administers a Supervised Independent Living program for young adults aging out of foster care.

I love that this powerful collection of stories will have a positive impact on the lives of children in Central Texas!

Point Taken is an invaluable resource for any woman in or aiming for leadership.

This collection combines personal stories with practical advice from top female executives and entrepreneurs. The narratives are both relatable and motivational, emphasizing resilience and innovation. A must-read for those looking to enhance their leadership skills and professional growth. Highly recommend it!

- Stacey Johnson

Founder, CEO Central Texas Table of Grace

There is no one way to be a successful woman in business, and this book offers unique perspectives and compelling storytelling that keep readers wanting more.

Point Taken offers a guidebook for navigating life, leadership, and work.. The final chapter “The Gift of Margin” brought the collection together and unified the voices with resilience, hope and growth.

- Angela Pierce

Author, Speaker, CFO and President

Point Taken is an enlightening and inspiring read

– a wonderful way to learn from the trials and tribulations of successful women who faced personal or professional roadblocks and soared high above them.

- Stacey Bossert

Through its wisdom, readers will find themselves inspired to navigate their journeys with resilience and authenticity.

Point Taken, Brilliant Business Advice from Women at the Top is filled with empowering insights for women leaders and entrepreneurs. Told through storytelling, it guides readers to make room for the things that matter, striking a balance for success and well being.

- Stephanie Flores

Executive Director of Intervention Services, Coppell ISD

If you want to be inspired by women who’ve been through the ringer and have come out stronger, then read Point Taken.

Through the various experiences and stories, you’ll see grit, grace and empowerment in action.

- Heather Lienenbrugger

Creative Marketing Director & Business Coach

Ready to trust your compass?