Every year I welcome the changing of the calendar — and not just because it is my birthday on January 1! 

This year I feel like the whole world is ready for a fresh start that the turning of the calendar symbolizes. 

Around this time every year, I spend a little part of the day thinking about the previous year:  ups and downs and what kind of year I want to create for myself.  

This is a personal ritual of reflection and release. And it serves as a lovely self-care practice that I’d love to share with you.

Try this…

REFLECT: Carve out some time with your journal to reflect on 2020 with the questions below and prepare your heart for 2021. If you need to make a date on your calendar, use your ninja calendar skills to keep the commitment to yourself. 

Journal this…

  • What do you want to say about the year on Dec. 31, 2021? (Write as if it has already happened and you are reflecting back.) 
  • Reflect on “what are you taking with you into 2021?” *
  • Release around “what isn’t serving me anymore?” *

*These questions invite us to CHOOSE what we will take from the experience. It is meant to empower us, reinforce our agency, power and growth. 

  • My self-care intention to start the new year is…

I’ve found these questions to be a great foundation to be reflective and clear on what I want over the next year. 

Thank you for exploring self-care with me these final weeks of 2020.  Tell me:  How have you received these self-care love notes?  I’d love to know what resonated with you. 

Happy New Year!
