With a Little Help From My Friends
There is so much power and comfort in the knowledge that we are not alone in our struggle.
Feeling Stressed & Overwhelmed?
The pace of 2021 is already wearing us down and we are just beginning.
Your Life Has Shifted, Has Your Self-Care Kept Up?
I could go on about the self-care that has had to pause, stop and shift….but you know this story. This is your story, too.
Everything Changed. So My Self-Care Had to Change, Too.
Yes: even a self-care coach has to actively CHOOSE to be in self-care mode.
Self-Care Mini-Series: Reflect and Release
This year I feel like the whole world is ready for a fresh start that the turning of the calendar symbolizes.
Self-Care Mini-Series: Be Filled With Wonder
One thing I’ve heard from you about 2020 is that even with all the challenge, change and grief it brought, it forced most of us to
S L O W D O W N.
Self-Care Mini-Series: Be Honest About Your Needs
When you give ourselves an opportunity to acknowledge and be honest about your needs… that my dear, is the heart of self-care.
Self-Care Mini-Series: Be Intentional and Watch the MAGIC
Here’s a little magic for when you don’t have time for self-care.
Self-Care Today
Self-care looks different every day. By design.
When You Are in a MOOD
While it wasn’t my best day ever, but I was able to be tender with myself, present to my clients, and honest with my family.
“What If…UP?”
We often spend our time worrying about the future, instead of considering a positive possibility.
Get Grounded With This Exercise
It’s easy to feel off-balance right now, so I want to share a “twisting” grounding exercise with you.