Hi Friend!

In March, April and May last year, I was really struggling. And I know that I wasn’t alone.  The news of the world and how quickly our lives changed, put many of in a state of anxiety we hadn’t experienced before.

And in that state, I stopped doing what I needed to do to take care of myself. I was suffering.  My wake up call came when I realized that my family was suffering, too, and I had to make a change.

Knowing that I always feel better with fresh air and my heart pumping, I started walking in my neighborhood, which evolved into jogging two virtual 5Ks.

Knowing that I need connection, we created a “bubble” with another family that has similar risk levels and started doing weekly dinners and fun activities together.  

Knowing that I need positivity, I put my energy into creating positive content on Instagram and re-committed to my gratitude practice of writing down what is filling my cup and bringing me joy each day.

Knowing that I need downtime but was now never alone, I picked up actual books (rather than my go-to Audible) and returned to my meditation practice. 

Yes: even a self-care coach has to actively CHOOSE to be in self-care mode. 

I know the past year has upturned your life in so many ways.  

Never has it been more clear to me that we MUST take care of ourselves in order to be ready for what life throws at us.  Whether you are ready to go after a big dream, or if you are ready to get out of a rut, self-care MUST be a part of your plan. 

That’s why I’m so excited to share a free workshop with you to help you take a pause and get clear, nourished and energized for your self-care plan.

Join me to create Your Essential Self-Care for 2021 Friday, February 12 at 12:00 pm CT.

Register here.

Give yourself permission to find self-care that supports you NOW so you can recharge your batteries and set yourself up for a better 2021 — no matter what happens out in the world. 

You’ll get a taste of what I teach my clients in the Grace & Space Self-Care Circle, and why they keep coming back round after round! 😉

Because it’s time to shift from “I should be taking better care of myself” to “Now I know what I need and how to do it.”

Come. Enjoy. Get clear.

I can’t wait to see you there!

With love from your coach,
Happy & Healthy Jenny