“Enjoy the space between where you are and where you are going.” 

– Unknown  

It is the time of year when many of my coaching conversations include planning for summer. 

Inevitably, whether someone has children in the school system or not, our lives are impacted by the summer months.

The days are longer and hotter.

We desire to spend time in the water ,

We’re craving time off with people we love. 

This is one of my favorite places in the world: the Llano arm of Lake LBJ at sunset.

And in our third year of the pandemic, with many people vaccinated and boosted and restless, there is a deep yearning for the promise of summer being everything we’ve waited a loooooong time for.

Have you ever noticed that summer brings with it the highest expectations of the year?  

When schedules are looser — as is the case for some corporate jobs and when children are out of school — we tend to raise our expectations for what we can accomplish.

The space between the busy spring and our hopes for fall always seem to promise to be full of everything we don’t have time for all year. 



Tidying up. 

Slowing down. 

Catching up. 

Finally sticking to that fitness plan. 

Changing jobs.  

And, did I mention, rest? 

You know this kind of list: ambitious with a touch of dilution.

The practice of setting intentions, and the habit of being intentional, is something that I work on with almost every client. While we know what we want at an intuitive level, many of us find ourselves in auto-pilot and miss opportunities to move ourselves forward.

I find that the best way to be intentional is to first slow down and listen to myself. 

Here are some journal topics that might help you get clear.


HOW do I want to FEEL on a daily basis?

WHAT can I do to evoke that / those feeling(s) regularly?

WHO do I want to spend my precious time with?

WHERE am I feeling depleted?

WHAT can I do to nourish myself and tend to my body, mind, heart and spirit?

To feel rejuvenated this season, tune into the activities and practices that help you feel really good. This summer, in the space between where you are and where you are going, how can you enjoy yourself more? If you’d like to share with me, hit reply and let me know.  I love hearing from you.  

And if you are new to coaching with me and you’d like to meet for a (free) discovery coaching session to map out what you’d like for your precious summer, I’d welcome the chance to meet with you.  Click here to book your discovery call with me. 

Here’s to a rejuvenating and intentional summer!

With love,
