A couple of months ago Spotify recommended a new artist (based on my playlist). The song is “Put Down What you are Carrying” by Trevor Hall. I’ve had it on repeat since then. (In fact, I cued it up and am listening to it as I write this to you.)
I know that we can’t let go of all that is weighing us down, but the idea of taking a short pause, to rest, to set down the heavy “things” we are carrying feels so loving to me.
Many people don’t feel comfortable with taking breaks, pausing or resting. Our culture (and most of our daily lives) doesn’t support the practice of pausing and turning inward. Collectively, we value outward energy, production and growth.
But being “on” all the time fries our circuits and leads to overwhelm and burnout.
Think about it: in the last two years, your life has changed in massive ways.
- What used to fill you up, doesn’t…
- What used to recharge your batteries, is no longer an option…
- What used to bring you joy, doesn’t have the same impact…
- You may not even know what you need anymore…you just know that you don’t feel like yourself these days.
There is nothing wrong with you: the world has shifted AND your needs have shifted. You’ve never carried so much.
Never has it been more clear to me that we MUST take care of ourselves in order to be ready for what life throws at us. Whether you are ready to go after a big dream, or if you are sick of feeling overwhelmed, self-care MUST be a part of your plan.
That’s why I’m so excited to share a NEW free virtual workshop with you to help you take a pause and get clear, nourished and energized for your self-care practices.
Join me for one hour as you give yourself Permission to Pause and discover self-care that can support you in any given moment on Thursday, February 10 at 12 pm CT.

(And, if you want to attend but can’t make it on February 10 at 12 pm? Good news! I’ll be recording this workshop for people just like you! Sign up and I’ll send you the recording within 24 hours after the workshop.)
Give yourself permission to discover (or rediscover!) your essential self-care needs so you can have more joy, connection and self-compassion in your life!
You’ll have the space to explore what I call “micro-moments” of self-care without requiring you to find more time. And, you’ll get a taste of what I teach my clients in the Grace & Space Self-Care Circle – and why they keep coming back round after round! 😉
Because isn’t it time to put down what you are carrying, just for a moment?
Come. Enjoy the pause. Find a moment of peace. And discover something new.
Register here.
I can’t wait to see you there!
With love from your coach,
PS – Have you taken a self-care workshop with me before? Awesome! Then you know I put a lot of love and joy into the process. And, I’m SO EXCITED to share this ALL NEW workshop with some of my best new ideas to help you discover your self-care.
PPS – Would you like to attend but can’t make it on February 10? Good news: I’ll be recording this workshop for people just like you! Sign up and I’ll send you the recording within 24 hours after the workshop.

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