It is the time of year when this coach gets giddy with excitement. I LOVE the changing of the calendar — and not just because it is my birthday on January 1!
I love the feeling of fresh starts and deep reflection.
In fact, every year on my birthday, I spend a little part of the day thinking about the previous year: ups and downs and what kind of year I want to create for myself.
Four years ago I added a new special element to my New Years Day ritual: I spend time with my Vision Board. I fall in love with it all over again…I feel energized…I tune into what this colorful visual expression means to me. This process helps me tune into my intuition, and tune out the “shoulds.”
Here are a few questions to help you get tuned in as you start thinking about your vision:
- What events, accomplishments, relationships made you happy or proud last year?
- What were some of your toughest experiences?
- Did you start something this year that you’d really like to finish? (And if not, can you let it go?)
- What do you want to “leave behind” as you move into the new year?
- What do you want to say about your year on Dec. 31, 2019?
I’ve found these questions to be a great foundation to be reflective and clear on what I want over the next year.
Would you want to experience this guided inspiration with a circle of women in a fun, friendly and supportive environment?
If you are in Austin (or want to come visit…road trip?!) I’d love to invite you to join me for a very special Visioning Experience on February 1, 2 or 3.
During this 3-hour workshop we’ll get down to the business of creating your Vision Board.
You’ll receive:
- An understanding of the science of creating a Vision and how to use your emotions and perceptions to tap into your Vision.
- All the supplies you need. (Although if you have images or items that you would like to include on your board, please feel free to bring them.)
- Light refreshments and fun conversations. (Who knows – the connections you make with other while creating your vision may lead you to a new friend!)
- Three hours to focus on yourself with no preparation needed! All you need to do is come with an open mind and heart.

And then?
After you have created your Vision Board, you’ll get to set up a time with me for a customized 1-on-1 virtual coaching session just for you.
You’ll get to experience my powerful coaching to help you clarify your unique Vision and how to make it work for you so you can start 2019 off with a strong heart and mind!
“I look at my Vision Board every day. It inspires me so much.” – Elizabeth
Join me for this powerful (and super fun) experience here.
Looking forward,
PS – Bummed that you can’t make it to Austin for this experience? Contact me for a complimentary coaching session by phone or video conference.
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