close photo of a leaf with holes in it where light is shining through. Photo credit: Kaique Rocha

Hi There,

The world, life experiences, and are all very good at telling us where we fall short. 

Our brains have evolved to prioritize and remember negative experiences and feedback and downplay positive ones. 

This “negative bias” was how humans have kept themselves safe and alive and adapted to threats.

But have you ever thought about what that means for you?

Tell me if this sounds familiar:

In your annual performance review, you receive glowing feedback from your boss and your peers. It is 95% a positive affirmation of how you are a rockstar at your job. 

Leadership identified two areas of growth in the feedback. Even though you aren’t interested in this path, these two growth areas have become your primary focus. 

You translate “growth areas” to weaknesses, which now become your marching orders: fix what’s “wrong” with you. 

You spend less time on the areas identified as your strengths — after all, you are already good there — and the lionshare of your time and energy worrying about and working on ways to not be “weak” in these areas.

How close did I get?

So it is no wonder that (sometimes) our families of origin, education system, and workplaces have (historically) focused more on what is going wrong than what is going well.

Most of my prospective clients are far more articulate at what is going wrong in their lives — where they need to grow or change — often without much attention to where they shine.

While my approach to coaching is tailored to each person’s needs and goals, one place that I’ve found to be a solid foundation to start the coaching relationship is by understanding their strengths.

When you coach with me, you become fluent in your strengths and begin to see the world through new eyes: ones with more opportunity, strategy, and authenticity.

This is a foundation of my private coaching: I begin nearly every 1:1 coaching client with a deep dive on their strengths. And, this is also the theme of my popular “Play to Your Strengths” workshop for teams. 

Are you interested in exploring your strengths?  Let’s talk 1-on-1! Book a free discovery call with me here and let’s explore.

Do you work with a team that might like an actionable, affirming and fun team-building experience? Bring me to your group! I LOVE bringing this 2-hour paid workshop to corporations, networking groups, and more. Simply hit reply, and let’s start the conversation! I’ll learn about your group and share the investment details.

I’ll be sharing some of my strengths (which – psst! Are often similar to my clients’ strengths) in the coming weeks because I want to help you shine knowing and embracing your strengths! 

With love,
