The past 3 years have been A LOT, am I right?

That’s why I’m EXTRA giddy with excitement to bring back my super popular Visioning Experience!!

I’ve been a long-time fan of Vision Boards to help you tap into your desires to understand what you truly want.

Why? Because when you bring clarity to what you want, you’ll begin to align your life to fulfill that vision.

I’ve had many repeat clients come back over and over to this experience to enjoy the clarity of an inspired vision.

I can’t wait to host this event for the first time in 3 years!

Join me for the 2023 Visioning Experience and get clear on your own invision for the New Year (with me coaching you along the way!)

Every year I upgrade the Visioning Experience and I’m so excited to share it with you! This transformational Visioning Experience includes 2 parts:

Part 1: Vision Board Workshop 

(Group in-person experience in downtown Austin)

Join me and a fellow circle of women for a fun, friendly and guided 4-hour workshop where you’ll experience my Visioning process:

Step 1: Tapping into Your Vision
You’ll receive intuitive guidance on creating a Vision and how to use your emotions and perceptions to tap into your Vision.

Step 2: Creating & Curating Your Vision
You’ll be supplied with everything you need to create your Vision Board alongside other lovely ladies in a supportive environment.

Just think of:

  • opening up to your creative process
  • listening to a great playlist
  • feeling inspired and joyful
  • cutting and pasting with no distractions (no kids!)
  • enjoying yummy & healthy lunch or snacks
  • connecting and creating alongside other lovely ladies
  • claiming 4 hours just for you to dream into what you REALLY want for 2023…and beyond!
  • … and the best part? You don’t have to clean anything up afterward!

Step 3: Guided Insights on Your Vision
After our Vision Boards are created, I will guide the group to share and reflect with each other about their Vision Board.

This is your first chance to claim your dreams and have some fun! 

I’ll guide the discussion with my experience helping hundreds of women get clear on their unique Visions. And, the group may give input and reflections on other’s boards, something that can make this process even more meaningful to your Vision!

Part 2: Private Vision Integration Session 

(1-on-1 virtual coaching session)

After you have created your Vision Board, you’re invited to a 1-on-1 virtual coaching session with me for you to understand your Vision Board in a deeper way.

(Psst: Don’t worry!! You don’t need to show up with any deep insight about your Vision Board. That’s what we’ll do together!)

This is an opportunity to share more about what your board means to you. I will guide you to help you better connect the dots and to help you say, “WOW! I never saw it that way but that makes so much sense!”

This coaching session is like the “icing on the cake” to understand how you can make your Vision Board work for you and start 2020 off with a strong heart, clear mind and inspiring vision.

Sound like it’s right up your alley? It should. I created this with my clients and friends in mind, and I’ve now shared it with hundreds of women.

Give this gift of Vision to yourself.

With a Vision for your best year yet! (you deserve it!) Cheers to you,


“Little girls with dreams become women with vision.”
