FREE Gift: Create A Vision Board

FREE Gift: Create A Vision Board

You’ve been around my work for a while, you know that one of my FAVORITE topics to coach people on is their life Vision and how they can dream about their future. I want everyone to have a Vision for their life and I have found that one of the most powerful ways to...
Vision Experience Workshop is Here!

Vision Experience Workshop is Here!

The past 3 years have been A LOT, am I right? That’s why I’m EXTRA giddy with excitement to bring back my super popular Visioning Experience!! I’ve been a long-time fan of Vision Boards to help you tap into your desires to understand what you truly want. Why? Because...
“What If…UP?”

“What If…UP?”

Hello Friend,For some of us, our life experiences have caused us to feel the need to be hyper-vigilant, over-prepared, and ready-for-anything. We may even tell the story of our survival through the lens of being able to always prepare for the worst-case.I totally...