I was so moved by the moment between Liza Minelli and Lady Gaga at the Oscars. ( In case you missed it, check out the tender moment on YouTube. Here are a few of the lessons that I took from this tender, public moment:
It is an act of great courage to be vulnerable and be seen as human, especially when the world has such high expectations of us.
“…I’m confused,” she said.
It is an act of great compassion to hold space for someone.
“I’ve got you,” she responded.
It is a beautiful expression of trust in another person – and the world – to allow yourself to put down what you are carrying for a moment and be in the moment.
“I know you do. Thank you,” she said.
Many people don’t feel comfortable with being vulnerable. Our cultural norms put the value growth, excellence and having it all together. Somewhere along the way you got the message that you need to do it all AND hide your struggles. Researcher and storyteller Dr. Brené Brown, one of my heroes, has inspired millions with her message that we have to be brave in order to grow and change, and the path is through vulnerability.
That is a heavy load.
Sometimes, when I’m coaching, our work is to let those beliefs go. Sometimes it is about establishing and holding boundaries. Sometimes it is about self-care. Sometimes it is about finding your authentic voice. Sometimes it is about getting clear on your values and needs and strengths. Sometimes it is about having space to be acknowledged and put down the heavy load you are carrying for a moment.
Coaching is a relationship that requires courage, compassion and trust. In each other, in the process, and most of all, in you.
If you are interested in having support as you navigate the world with what you are carrying, I’d love to talk with you about coaching and how we can work together. Click here to book a discovery coaching session with me. It is free and I would love to connect with you and support you in this special way.
With love,

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