by Jenny Remington | Nov 1, 2023 | Awareness, Growth, Habits, Intention, Intuition, Mindfulness, workbook
When I was in the College of Communications at The University of Texas at Austin, one of my college classes was a design and layout class. We learned Photoshop and other design programs. I was always more of a words person than a visual design person, but this...
by Jenny Remington | Sep 12, 2023 | Awareness, Clarity, Connection, Growth, Happiness, Mindfulness, Priorities, Self-care
Hi There! Feeling overwhelmed with the transition to the school year? You are not alone. No matter if you are the parent of school-age kids or not, we can all FEEL things ramp up and hurdle towards the end of the year. Here are a few things I’m doing to...
by Jenny Remington | Aug 9, 2023 | Awareness, Clarity, Growth, Intention, Priorities, workbook
Stress comes in all shapes and sizes and feelings. See if you see yourself in any of these statements… -️ You feel like you are walking on a tightrope. – You think, if one more thing goes wrong, I WILL LOSE IT. – You might...
by Jenny Remington | Jul 24, 2023 | Balance, Intention, Mindfulness, Positivity, Priorities, Self-care
I’m not one to get too excited about random “holidays” on the calendar. But when I learned that July 24 is International Self-Care Day I put it on my calendar with a BIG star to make sure I am intentional about my self-care on this particular day. Even though I have...
by Jenny Remington | Jul 12, 2023 | Awareness, Clarity, Growth, Priorities, self-compassion, Time Management, workbook
Hi There, I’m seeing more and more people suffering from overwhelm, frustration and burnout. Many people feel like they are operating at or above their capacity. They feel a deficit of time, energy, health, money, sleep, ideas, focus, patience… All. The. Things. In...
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