by Jenny Remington | Feb 22, 2021 | Clarity, Family, Gratitude, Mindfulness, Needs, Positivity, Priorities, Self-care
Hello Friend, The last piece of “work” I did before Texas was thrust into the cold and darkness was to lead a workshop on self-care for nearly 20 women. Since then, my focus has been on taking care of my family, checking in on my tribe, and surviving this crisis...
by Jenny Remington | Jan 27, 2021 | Balance, Clarity, Connection, Family, Intuition, Mindfulness, Parenting, Self-care
Hi Friend!In March, April and May last year, I was really struggling. And I know that I wasn’t alone. The news of the world and how quickly our lives changed, put many of in a state of anxiety we hadn’t experienced before.And in that state, I stopped doing what...
by Jenny Remington | Dec 21, 2020 | Awareness, Clarity, Connection, Gratitude, Happiness, Joy, Mindfulness, Self-care
One thing I’ve heard from a lot of you about 2020 is that even with all the challenge, change and grief it brought, it forced most of us to S L O W W A Y D O W N. You may even see some things that have changed in your life as a silver lining in an...
by Jenny Remington | Mar 16, 2020 | Balance, Clarity, compassion, Gratitude, Happiness, Love, Mindfulness, Needs, Self-care, Values
We all are seeing the despair on the news and on social media. It’s consuming and scary and it’s all changing so fast. Everything has been canceled. School. Sports. Festivals. Travel plans. Late-night television. Business as usual…. It’s. All....
by Jenny Remington | Feb 10, 2020 | Awareness, Clarity, Growth, Needs, Self-care
My self-care needs have changed drastically in the past several years. Maybe you can relate…. I used to need a ton more people-time. Now that I work with people all day and coach people on their “big stuff,” I need to have more alone time meditating and slowing...
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