My sister gave me a “2020 Good News Calendar” for my birthday. Little did we know on January 1 that 2020 would be such a different year than we ever imagined…and that we’d need more goodness.
Earlier this week, I realized I hadn’t flipped the calendar to July yet. (Somehow I was still stuck in April!) It has been so easy for the days and weeks to flow by without me noticing. So imagine this coach’s surprise and delight to find out that International Self-Care Day IS A THING and it is happening TODAY.
In a nutshell, International Self-Care Day is a worldwide campaign held annually on July 24th as a reminder that the benefits of self-care are experienced 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It is meant to celebrate the importance of self-care and encourages us to practice responsible self-care.

Fun fact: Apparently it is also “National Coffee Day” and “Tequila Day.” I don’t make the rules, People. Do what you must!!
Yesterday I shared with you my permission slip and some self-care inspiration and I encouraged you to give yourself permission to practice self-care today.
So what am I doing to celebrate International Self-Care Day?
I’m pausing.
That’s right: I’m giving myself permission to pause.
I’m taking time to NOT plan, think, consume news, engage on social media.
I’m going to BE.
BE with a good book.
BE with my people.
There will definitely be coffee, and maybe some tequila later. We’ll see how my day on pause unfolds. 😉
How will you celebrate today? How will you show yourself some love and care on this internationally recognized day for YOU to care for YOU?
Hit reply and let me know. (And thanks for your patience on my reply. I’m giving myself permission to pause my phone and email, too.)
With love,
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